Thursday, September 10


Hey Katie,
I'm sure it's eleven o'clock at night or something wicked late like that and you've just gotten off of work. But guess what? You're an awesome sister and I know you needed to hear that. I know I don't say it often enough, and I'm pretty sure I fight with you more than I tell you that you're super cool. Thank for being a great sister. This week you've made sure I had food (I'm too much like a stereotypical bachelorette), that we have someplace to live at the end of the month, started the ball rolling on the little move things, and reminded me of the stupid mundane things I have to do between 10am and 4pm like calling the apartment management and asking them to come unclog my toilet. You've even let me use your toilet (not that there's a choice there) and locked the cat in your bathroom so he doesn't wake me in the middle of the night with his howling and pawing. Without you this week, I'm pretty sure I would have had a few crying fits over being tired from crazy long days of work and rehearsal. I'm sure I would have screamed a few times to just get my frustration out and weirded out our neighbors. So, thank you, for saving me from myself. YOU ROCK!

1 comment:

Katie said...

awwwwww.... I love you too. You are a great sister. I know its been a crazy week for you. And its 11:09pm - way to be psychic.