Thursday, September 17

Whoops, It's Thursday!

I didn't mean to go so long without posting, and I'm sorry. So here goes what I've been doing this week instead of posting...

Tuesday Night-
I went to a very cool event that was called Let Your Children Tell. It was a documentary play about 4 children's lives during the Holocaust. I really enjoyed it, though I felt the acting could have been more sincere. I would say the best (or really, in this case, the worst) part of the play, the part that really got across the message that the holocaust was a really crummy and awful part of human history was when the actors were telling the story of arriving at a concentration camp and the families being separated. The crying and screaming of the children being ripped from their mothers' arms was just terrible. I really have no words to discribe how it gave such a horrifying and sad voice to those who were oppressed and murdered during the holocaust. Overall, it really was a good play, it was based on survivors of the holocaust stories, and it did achieve the feelings it was supposed to achieve. I left wanting to cry my eyes out for all the people who were senselessly, brutally murdered during the holocaust. And I was glad I wanted to cry because I know there's still humanity left in us if we all want to cry over our tragedies and failings as a human race.

Wednesday Night-
I had a really nasty headache all day long that was mostly just a dull ache and worsened after I got off of work. and really, I had nothing to write about that wouldn't be whining, and I feel stupid whining online.

I'm back on for rehearsal at the playhouse! woot! 6 more shows and we will be done. I'm sad I'm missing the season premeires of some really good shows and hope that they will still be online for veiwing or that someone is kind and they DVR it for me.  

Have a great rest of your week.

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