Sunday, August 30


Ok, I'll admit, I started this post about something less shallow, but changed my mind to blog about shoes. Why, do you ask? Because shoes are amazing, they can make your day. Yes, they are the last thing you see when you check out a woman's outfit, but they can totally make or break an outfit.
You see a woman on the street and think "nice navy suit, matching shirt, matching purse...etc, shoes, wait, they're black/brown. Ok, but definitely not a home run outfit."

Why am I preoccupied with this topic? Because my cute little niece discovered shoes this weekend. She's totally going to be in her mom's shoes before too long. My sister bought her a pair of pink fuzzy slippers this weekend. My niece put them on, and wham! - she was obsessed. It was just so cute, I had to share. She would put them on, pull them off, and then bring me one and stick out her foot for me to put back on. It was just adorable.

I love shoes. Everything about them just makes my day. :)