Monday, August 31

Please don't get sick

There's nothing like working at a school to kind of make you a germaphobe. So with the new season of germs, once again shoring up my theory of students bringing germs back to school with them, here are some guidelines to help you keep healthy (and me too!):

1. Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer with 60% or more alcohol in it. Don't just wash your hands once a day and think that's going to work... no, wash it after you pee (you've just touched the same door everyone else did... and who knows what else!), a lot when you're sick, after you've been shaking hands with tons of people, after you've gone to and fro classes (once again, you're touching the same door everyone else has), etc, etc, etc.
2. Avoid sick people and encourage them to go to the doctor. If you live with them, make them take care of themselves. I know it’s not nice, but if you want to get sick, sure take care of your roommate who brought strep home with them from thanksgiving. It'll totally help you pass your finals that first week in December. (This totally happened to me junior year of college, thanks Amy!)
3. Eat lots of veggies, fruits, drink lots of water, and take your vitamins. You'll be happy that you had that salad instead of that cookie when your roommate comes down sick with a cold/flu.

4. If you do get sick, stay home, take care of yourself, yada yada yada. Don't bring your germs to class, if you can help it. On the other hand, if you're deathly ill from partying the night before, you still need to come to class. Hangovers are NOT contagious... just gross.