Friday, May 8

Dear Abby Advice

I'm starting a series of posts where I give the advice Dear Abby would never give. I'm doing this because I'm such an avid reader of Dear Abby and sometimes people send in letters where I wonder "what would Dear Abby really want to say to this writer?".

"DEAR ABBY: A few months ago, my sister's husband of 20 years suddenly left her for a 23-year-old girl. He is living openly with her, even though he is still married to my sister. What is most disturbing is some members of his family are openly supporting this affair.
The shock of my brother-in-law's infidelity is painful enough, but the insensitivity of these family members is unbelievable. Are those people ignorant or just plain evil? -- HURTING FOR MY SISTER"

Dear SISTER: They're jerks. I would bet good money the family knew this was coming and chose to stay mum about it. (A Vermont in the South)

click here to see the real response:

1 comment:

J. Kelly said...

haha...I love it. I won't read things like this just because the advice needs to be better. Maybe you should start your own column!